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Top 3 Tips To Reduce Your Cancer Risk With Food

be well eat well think well Nov 13, 2019

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.  Your body is powerful. It wants to heal itself. It constantly reminds us of this as aches, pains, and illness.  But often we don't listen until it's too late or the illness has become too debilitating. Today, let me share with you a small secret about food, and how important food is to heal us, and how we can use it to our benefit NOW, as preventative medicine, before we have to use it as treatment for disease.  

Every cell in your body, essentially, is made up of the food we eat.  What we eat has a direct impact on our health. So, how can we reduce our risk of certain diseases like cancer? The trick is to grow healthy cells on repeat. So, listen in as I share my top 3 tips to increasing your resistance to cancer. 


Tip #1: Reduce Sugar! Not only does sugar increase inflammation, but cancer cells thrive off of sugar! Listen in to the video for more details on this!

Tip #2: Increase your cruciferous veggies & sulfur rich foods. Cruciferous veggies help the body clear excess estrogen (which has a huge impact on breast  cancer).  So, stock up!

Tip #3: Increase healthy fats! Every cell has a membrane (a skin) that is comprised of fat.  If you aren't eating enough of the good stuff to rebuild that membrane, then the cell cannot remain healthy and vibrant. Simple as that! Listen in to the video also to learn what types of fats to buy, and what type of container they should come it! (hint: it should NOT be a clear plastic bottle!)


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