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Choose to adapt, or find an excuse.

be well think well Sep 29, 2020

One month before COVID (February 2020), back when all seemed "right" in the world, I was at a crossroads in my life journey. We decided to downsize and move into a two bedroom apartment (from a 3 bedroom house with a 3 car garage). I sold my gym, which was my "haven" of escape, even though it was just in the garage. 

Even though our new apartment was small, the complex has a gym, a pool, and even a small playground for our 2 year old to enjoy.  But about 1 week after we moved, it all shut down.  

No gym. No office. No place to work in "peace." No haven to escape to.  

I quickly learned that I either had to adapt, or live in excuses.  And for a while, I did live in the excuses. I lived in victimization. I lived in hatred. I lived in resentment for this new move to a new city.  

But I also have a business that I could not give up on.  I had to get creative with my workout locations now that I had no gym, office, or space of my own to film.  I had to schedule my live workouts around my husband's work schedule since we were both working from home in the dining room or living room. (I couldn't be filming a workout class while he was on a work meeting or hosting a virtual wine tasting in the same room.)  

I even filmed a workout one time from my bathroom! 

It sucked, not going to lie. But it showed that I was able to find a way to adapt. 

Today, let me remind you that you have a choice. You can adapt to the new changes in your life, however shitty they may seem now. Or you can continue to live in your excuses.  

If I had chosen to continue living in my excuses, I would not have adapted, or grown the TBP to really focus on "no excuse" workouts. Things that you can do at home, LITERALLY in your bathroom if you need to.  

When I see TBPers joining me on a live zoom workout from their kitchens, I can't help but smile, because THAT shows adaptation.  So many people would say, "I can't workout because I don't have a workout room"  or I don't have the space, or a gym, or a yard, or whatnot.  But literally, it's a choice. You DO have the space. It may not be what you ideally want it to look like. But it IS a space. And it WILL work. 

So, today, think about your choices.  Choose to adapt. or Choose to find an excuse.


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