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My Secret Weapon to Never Missing A Workout? Don't Shower Until You Exercise!


If you're like me, sometimes you need as much motivation as you can get to fit in a workout.  Let me share with you one of my secret weapons that works like a charm (most of the time).  Here it goes:

Super simple. I don't get to shower until I've gotten in my workout!  I don't know about you, but once I shower, there's no way I'm going to get in a workout. I sweat like a beast and would have to shower again! And who's got time for that?  So, if I'm going to workout, I do it before a shower. 

Let's say, for example, I have a meeting, or an event to attend, and I know I need to shower before it. I tell myself that I have to get in my workout BEFORE that shower! So, if showering for you is a daily ritual (I hope it is), then this is the opportunity to make exercise a daily ritual.  

If it's a rest day, I don't use this rule, as I embrace the rest and shower whenever I want. But on the other 5-6 days of the week, I absolutely schedule my workouts around my showers!

Give it a try and let me know if this "secret weapon" helps you, even just once a week!  (once is way better than zero!)

Don't forget to "eat well, move well, & think well, so that you can BE WELL!"

Lots of love,



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