Don't let the title of this post deceive you. It's not about calling yourself a fat ass. It's not about labeling yourself as supermom. It's about the split second it takes to change a thought. It's about the split second it takes to change your life.
Change doesn't have to take years (though often it's a journey and does). Change doesn't have to be drawn out and dragged on. You can literally "change" in a split moment decision. And guess what, we get the opportunity for these split moment decisions THOUSANDS of times per day. That means, you have thousands of chances to change your life ON THE DAILY!
Now, let me give you a little back story. Growing up, I was never a skinny kid. In fact, quite the opposite. I would run around my hometown block for exercise when it wasn't swim season (I was a swimmer growing up). I don't know about you, but who wasn't a self-conscious teen, especially an overweight teen? Every time I ran, I took the risk of someone I knew driving past seeing my "jiggle." More often than I'd like to admit, I received mean calls out the passing car windows yelling "fat ass."
While I pretended it didn't matter, it secretly crushed me inside.
Ironically, several years later I became a running coach. I lost weight. The mean calls out the windows stopped. (or maybe I just tuned them out). For the next decade, the only calls I heard yelling out to me were the ones in my own head. They were the calls of self-hatred while I ran. Gosh, I was so much meaner to myself than any call out the car window from a stranger. I would call myself fat. I would berate my body. I would look longingly at other runners who were able to wear shorts while running (thigh chafe anyone?!)
So, where does all of this tie in to allowing split second decisions create change in your life?
Last week I was out for a run (with my 2 year old in tow), in my new town, on my new running path. I wasn't in the best headspace (thus the need for the jog). I was feeling heavy. I was beginning to revert back to some old thoughts of my past heavier, self-conscious life. It had been a while since I heard anything but a "hello" from a passerby on the path, but on this day, instead of getting called "fat ass" out the window of a car of mean teenagers, I heard a faint "go supermom!" from a passing cyclist.
Me? Was he talking to me? I actually turned around and noticed that no one else was around me, and that the cyclist wasn't talking on his phone. Yes. He WAS saying that to me. Wow. Supermom. Never been called that before.
In an instant, I was transported back in time to being a heavy teen running around my hometown and being called "fat ass." Except this time, it was the complete opposite. This time someone, a stranger, gave me a random compliment and it reminded me that in an instant, I forgot all of my troubles. All of my worries. I stopped any stinkin thinkin that was in my head. And I felt proud.
Yes, I AM a Supermom!
The rest of my run, I couldn't help but think about that split second. That split moment that took me out of a "I shouldn't have eaten that for lunch" mindset to an empowered, "hell yes" mindset. That split second I had a choice to feel proud.
So, my message to you, today, is to remember that it's split second decisions that are running your life. Just like it only takes a split second to go from a dark room to a light room by flicking the switch, it only takes a split second from feeling like a slump, to a proud supermom. That one nice "high five" comment from a passing cyclist sparked my thought change.
How can you empower someone else today? Maybe someone in your life, or a complete stranger needs a little spark to change their mindset. Maybe you can be that catalyst. Maybe instead of "hello" as you pass someone else exercising, you say "go supermom" or whatever else fits the situation.
A split second. You have the power inside you to change your thoughts. And guess what? If you change your thoughts, you can change your life, because all life is, is a string of thousands of split second thoughts and decisions every single day.
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