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My visit to the Standard Process Farm & Production Facility

eat well think well Sep 01, 2024

In 2008, I was introduced to the company, Standard Process (SP), via a holistic healing wellness center where I worked at the front desk. I became familiar with the products, fell in love with their healing capabilities, and knew that I needed to learn more about them. So when I moved to Northern California in 2009, one of my first business moves was to open my own account with the company. Back then, I really only used the products that directly supported my fitness goals, like their multivitamin (Catalyn), protein powder (SP Complete), and the 21 Day Purification Program. But my knowledge quickly grew, as I followed some specific healing protocols that helped me overcome some of my own pretty crazy health issues that I previously thought only conventional medicine could help with.

Fast forward 16 years, and thousands of hours of learning, healing, practicing, and helping others later, and I received my first invitation to visit the Standard Process farm in Palmyra, Wisconsin.  It's one thing to be told about the organic farming practices, and the care that goes into the testing and production of each supplement. But it's another thing entirely to see it with my own eyes. I was treated to a weekend full of educational seminars by leading doctors and nutritionists, a tour of the manufacturing facility, and a tour of the farm. I can only say WOW. 

One of the things that makes SP different from other brands is not just their organic farming practice (which entails a lot more that I even knew), but the fact that they are growing their products FOR NUTRITIONAL VALUE, while most other farms are growing their plants for yield and volume. To care for the soil is the most important thing when ensuring high mineral and vitamin content in the plants.    

Here are a few things I would have never thought about before my visit: How they time the planting of their seeds, like brussels sprouts, a few weeks after the cabbage moth height to mitigate the risk of insects eating the plants. How they harvest the plants at their nutritional peak, and that plants are harvested and processed in the same day. They use cover crops, like sunflowers, to re-feed the soil with minerals. The seeds they choose to plant are the ones tested to be highest in the specific nutrient value for what they are looking for.

The manufacturing plant was also a neat sight to see as well. There are chemists and microbiologists testing each product and ingredient, making sure the things that are supposed to be in there are, and that the things that are not supposed to be in there, like mold, pesticides, etc. are not. Each part of the process, from testing, to drying, to mixing, to bottling and packaging has its own specific location, and its own trained staff. The smell of liver mixed with spanish black radish floated through the air, reminding me that yes, these products are made with materials that are kind of stinky, but that the foods used in the products are exactly what they should be.

This visit to the farm inspired me to keep using Standard Process products with my clients, as well as doing some more education via my social media (instagram @trainerinyourbackpocket and Facebook @thetrainerinyourbackpocket). I'll be starting a series called "If you don't eat it, take it," where I'll be highlighting not only foods and their benefits, but the supplement you can take if you simply are not going to eat that food (hellooooooo liver!) Make sure to follow me on social media! 

And if you ever want to learn more about healing your body through nutrition, set up a consultation with me here! I'd love helping you get to the root cause of your ailments so you can FEEL WELL again! 


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