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Too busy to cook? Here's my mealtime hack during the busy season of life.

eat well Jul 21, 2023

*This post is one of many Quickstart Tips inside the Trainer In Your Back Pocket's Eat Your Way to Energizing Health program, found inside the TBP Membership! *

When it comes to taking something off your plate (of life) to lighten your daily mental and physical load, meal delivery is a great option! There are so many options for meals delivered these days, from gluten free options, to vegan options, to keto options, paleo options, mediterranean options, etc. 

There are seasons of life when cooking/meal prepping/ grocery shopping are simply not a top priority. I know that when I welcome my 3rd child in just a couple of months, meal delivery is going to be something I rely on for a season. Even if it's just a couple meals a week that I don't have to think about, it's such a load off my shoulders. 

Don't consider it "cheating" if you get meals delivered. It's simply another tool you can choose to use for support along your nutrition journey. There are tons of options for meal deliveries, from pre-prepared foods that you just heat up, to meal boxes with groceries and recipes that you still have to cook. Choose what works for you in the season that you're in, and when you're in a different season, you may be ready to cook your own meals again! (or not, and that's ok too!)

As with all things, making sure that you're eating enough is key. So if you get a meal delivery, and you're still hungry, you may want to add meat (remember, protein, fat, and fiber!) to the prepared meal. I know that I do this often, especially with the vegan based meals. 

ACTION STEP:  Try a meal delivery, IF the time is right for you! Here is a list of some companies that you can look at to choose from! (hint: many usually offer discounts on the first week or so of deliveries, so, as long as you remember to cancel or pause your memberships, you can probably go through several different companies' discounted trials!) 

You can also source your local network and see if there are any local chefs who prepare meals and deliver them (or have them available to pick up). I know where I live in FL, we have a couple great options for local meals that get delivered, and I love supporting those businesses! I feel healthier, eat better, and have one less thing to worry about on my daily list of being 8+ months pregnant with two little ones and a business to take care of! 

Let me know in the comment posts if you try any and what you like! 


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